Consumers or Citizens? An Economic and Financial Education Framework for Initial Teacher Training

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Marianela Denegri C.
Carlos Del Valle R.
Yéssica González G.
Soledad Etchebarne L.
Jocelyne Sepúlveda A.
Diego Sandoval G.


The Chilean economic model has increased the risk of financial transactions in a population with low levels of economic literacy. Especially worrying is the situation of teachers and university students of pedagogy by multiplicative impact of their conduct on future students. The objectives were to detect gaps of knowledge in economic and financial education based on the review of the research developed in Chile; and to propose an educational model for financial and economic literacy in initial teacher training. The results show the precarious economic training in the educational curriculum and the need to intervene in different segments of population, especially teachers and students of pedagogy. The researchers propose a model that integrates the components of economic education and their articulators concepts with the guidelines of the OECD, the specific contents and teaching methodology in a proposal of economic education for initial teacher training.

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How to Cite
Denegri C., M., Del Valle R., C., González G., Y., Etchebarne L., S., Sepúlveda A., J., & Sandoval G., D. (2018). Consumers or Citizens? An Economic and Financial Education Framework for Initial Teacher Training. Pedagogical Studies, 40(1), 75–96.