Teacher's knowledge and subjectivity in the Chilean Educational System: an analysis from the teacher educator's conceptions

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Leonora Reyes-Jedlicki
Christian Miranda J.
Eduardo Santa Cruz G.
Rodrigo Cornejo Ch.
Mauricio Núñez R.
Ana Arévalo V.
Felipe Hidalgo K.


This study examines conceptions of teacher educators about teacher subjectivity and knowledge. The research design considered the application of in-depth interviews with nine state university teacher educators. The resulting data was processed using the Grounded Theory. Results reveal conceptions of teacher educators regarding the pedagogical value of knowledge and teacher's subjectivity; these are discussed taking into account the international knowledge and research on teaching. This research concludes by emphasizing the need to provide specificity to teaching work in such a way to provide input for the transformation of teachers' education.

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How to Cite
Reyes-Jedlicki, L., Miranda J., C., Santa Cruz G., E., Cornejo Ch., R., Núñez R., M., Arévalo V., A., & Hidalgo K., F. (2018). Teacher’s knowledge and subjectivity in the Chilean Educational System: an analysis from the teacher educator’s conceptions. Pedagogical Studies, 40(Especial), 183–203. https://doi.org/10.4067/S0718-07052014000200011