Historiography and history of women: strategies for inclusion in the teaching and learning process in Chilean secondary education

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Doménica Francke A.
Paola Ojeda V.


During the last decades in Chile has taken place a historiography which chooses to study sectors traditionally excluded from the historical account, among these epistemological changes are located the history of women and the gender approaches that seek to reconstruct the dynamics of inter-generic relationships in different historical moments. However, these historiographical changes have not been reflected in formal education. This article provides a brief review of the movement of historiography of women and gender, and suggests some themes and works that, without breaking with the current contents and objectives of the national Plans and Programs, would allow their inclusion in the classroom.


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How to Cite
Francke A., D., & Ojeda V., P. (2018). Historiography and history of women: strategies for inclusion in the teaching and learning process in Chilean secondary education. Pedagogical Studies, 39(1), 361–375. https://doi.org/10.4067/S0718-07052013000100021