Atopic imaginary conceptions of desire. An approach from the urban youth

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Deibar René Hurtado Herrera
María Andrea Simmonds Tabbert


This article arises from a research on "the construction of imaginary meanings of desire in urban young people of Popayán city". This research on the construction of imaginary meanings of desire has implied the weaving of links of interdependence connected to the experiences of youth and their practices of subjectivity. This comprehensive exercise shows how skate boarding, capoeira, theater, death metal, and the political practice in the students' movement become spaces of transitional freedom which make possible the configuration of imaginary meanings.


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How to Cite
Hurtado Herrera, D. R., & Simmonds Tabbert, M. A. (2018). Atopic imaginary conceptions of desire. An approach from the urban youth. Pedagogical Studies, 39(2), 179–198.