Promoting reading as a holistic resource to learn caring for the environment in an amusing and pleasant way

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Ivette Talamás D.


The present experience arises out of the desire to encourage reading in children as an answer an to the lack of reading habits. The main objective was to shape girls and boys willing to read, motivating them to enjoy reading. From this starting point the work has been implemented through several perspectives and methodologies, with an emphasis on playing. The result of these activities was the discovery of multiple possibilities, in addition to the reading motivation, such as making children more sympathetic to concepts like: equal opportunities, caring for the natural environment, health and human rights. Furthermore, children are encouraged to express themselves by writing their own stories. In the second section, the article describes the fieldwork performed in relation to the Reading Promotion Strategies and Hemispheric Dominance.

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How to Cite
Talamás D., I. (2018). Promoting reading as a holistic resource to learn caring for the environment in an amusing and pleasant way. Pedagogical Studies, (24), 51–57.