An Adaptation of the Spanish version of the Utrecht Early Numeracy Test in Chile

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Gamal Cerda Etchepare
Carlos Pérez Wilson
Carla Moreno Araya
Katherine Núñez Risco
Elizabeth Quezada Herrera
Jeminal Rebolledo Rojas
Soraya Sáez Tisnao



This work presents the validity and reliability studies conducted on the Spanish version of the Utrecht Early Numeracy Test ("Test de Evaluación Matemática Temprana Utrech", TEMT-U). This instrument assesses the general competence in mathematics and the specific areas of comparison, classification, correspondence, seriation, verbal counting, structured counting, resultant counting, and general knowledge of Numbers. The study was performed in Chilean children aged four to eight years, attending the first level of transition to second grade of elementary school(N = 1436, 730 women and 707 men). The validity and reliability analysis conducted show that TEMT-U test can be considered a useful tool for assessing the mathematical performance of Chilean students of preschool and elementary school. The comparative scores for age, administrative support of school, and gender are presented.


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How to Cite
Cerda Etchepare, G., Pérez Wilson, C., Moreno Araya, C., Núñez Risco, K., Quezada Herrera, E., Rebolledo Rojas, J., & Sáez Tisnao, S. (2018). An Adaptation of the Spanish version of the Utrecht Early Numeracy Test in Chile. Pedagogical Studies, 38(1), 235–253.