"The Learning Study", a model for the development of Pedagogical Knowledge

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Beatriz Figueroa Sandoval
Mariana Aillon Neumann
Juan Herrera Chandía
Verónica Yáñez Monje
Mª Antonieta Palavecino Bustos



This paper describes a path of research-action named "learning study" which encourages the generation of research circles formed by classroom teachers and university specialists that altogether plan, perform, reflect upon and rewrite a lesson until it is optimized. The model, included in the theory of the Swedish phenomenographic variation, identifies findings related to students' quality learning from where it is gradually improved. The study contains a pilot experience which aim is to improve skills to ask for inferential questions to a group of active teachers starting from specific needs of the Chilean Curriculum for the language area in a fourth grader of elementary school level.


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How to Cite
Figueroa Sandoval, B., Aillon Neumann, M., Herrera Chandía, J., Yáñez Monje, V., & Palavecino Bustos, M. A. (2018). "The Learning Study", a model for the development of Pedagogical Knowledge. Pedagogical Studies, 38(2), 55–68. https://doi.org/10.4067/S0718-07052012000200004