Role of psychologists who work in private school in Concepción, Chile: A co-construction process

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Constanza García Costa
Gloria Carrasco Sanhueza
Mónica Mendoza Barra
Cristhian Pérez Villalobos


There are several perspectives concerning the role of the educational psychologist which reveal deep differences between universities and schools expectancies about it. The aim of the present research is to analyze the role of psychologists in private schools in Concepción, Chile, according to participants’ experiences. In this study, following qualitative and Grounded Theory principles, 14 individuals were interviewed including psychologists, teachers, directives, students and parents. Outcomes from axial and selective coding are showed. Results highlight relevance of each educative center particularities for role assumed by psychologists, which is co-constructed between different actors, depending on their needs and the resources available.


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How to Cite
García Costa, C., Carrasco Sanhueza, G., Mendoza Barra, M., & Pérez Villalobos, C. (2018). Role of psychologists who work in private school in Concepción, Chile: A co-construction process. Pedagogical Studies, 38(2), 169–185.