Academic experience and specialized text comprehension of college students in Political Science

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Bernardo Riffo Ocares
Marco Contreras Castro


This article presents the results of a descriptive study of specialized texts comprehension in college students of Political Science. The working hypothesis postulates that both the academic level and the specialization degree of these texts have a significant impact on the performance of readers. Two specialized texts reading tests were developed. The texts were proposed by the experts. For each text there were questions in order to measure various aspects of reading. The instrument was applied to a population of 55 individuals for three levels of academic training. The results confirmed the hypothesis and, at the same time, allowed to identify a number of issues requiring the development of further more specific research.


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How to Cite
Riffo Ocares, B., & Contreras Castro, M. (2018). Academic experience and specialized text comprehension of college students in Political Science. Pedagogical Studies, 38(2), 201–219.