Dance interaction as binding factor human-nature: proposals since a transforming school education

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Loreto Libuy Castro
Otto Lührs Middleton


Think about the educational transformations upon dancing, from a holistic look of the human being and their relation with the environment, this is the constant challenge of this article where new pedagogical proposals call students and professors to investigate in the perception, the uncertainty, and the identity as elements of human significance. The specific invitation is toward the interaction dance experience, emerging modality that is characterized for the corporal investigation, related to not conventional spaces as creative settings of unfold artistic. Since these objectives, the complexity and the contact with the nature appear as complementary and relational components of the dance. . Le Breton (2006), Santiago (2004), Morín (2001; 2005) , Berman (2004), Boff (2000;2002) , Reichman (2005), y Holzápfel (2005) are some of the authors that contribute to this discussion.


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How to Cite
Libuy Castro, L., & Lührs Middleton, O. (2018). Dance interaction as binding factor human-nature: proposals since a transforming school education. Pedagogical Studies, 38(Especial), 191–210.