Complex thought and pedagogy. Bases for a holistic theory of education

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Miguel Anxo Santos Rego


The main purpose of this article is the repercusion analyis of a complex and complementary world on education. A holistic approach that can help in the first few years of education is supported. 
After clarifying concepts in the affective-emotional dimension of education, the possibility to conform relationally inclusive learning communities is suggested. 
The article ends with some useful considerations in the building of a holistic theory of education which we propose as a way to dial with the complexity of the educational field.

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How to Cite
Santos Rego, M. A. (2018). Complex thought and pedagogy. Bases for a holistic theory of education. Pedagogical Studies, (26), 133–148.
Author Biography

Miguel Anxo Santos Rego, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Instituto de Ciencias de la Educación ICE, Santiago de Compostela, España.
