Descriptive and exploratory study of an introductory workshop to drama techniques for teaching/learning a foreign language

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Andrea Lizasoain
Amalia Ortiz
Katherina Walper
Yasna Yilorm


Developing efficient teaching methodologies that lead to effective learning of a foreign language is urgent. By means of the DID S-2009-16 project “English: Acting out Language” we seek to create and implement original methods to teach English in the classrooms of the schools in Valdivia. The workshop of drama techniques has allowed us to test what we want our students to experiment in the future: acting out language, turning the foreign language into action and knowledge through which they can interact and communicate in a real manner with their peers and teachers. We could observe that participants feel motivated; that anxiety, inhibition and frustration levels decrease; that self-esteem and self-confidence increase; that all language skills are approached simultaneously; and, most importantly, that all our new knowledge and abilities are transferred to real communication situations.


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How to Cite
Lizasoain, A., Ortiz, A., Walper, K., & Yilorm, Y. (2018). Descriptive and exploratory study of an introductory workshop to drama techniques for teaching/learning a foreign language. Pedagogical Studies, 37(2), 123–133.