School system/wage labor link approaches. Contributions of reproduction theories to critical pedagogy

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Paula Ojeda
Jorge Cabaluz


Getting away of those readings that reify and naturalize on a sour way the education/work link, we propose to make a review of the those analysis that retake the complex, dynamic, interrelated and dialectical character of this two fundamental spaces of human activity. Then we consider necessary, reread the reproductivist theories statements, for being a fundamental start point when it comes time to give a critical analysis this link and particularly, because they managed to install relevant, soaked of power and politicization analysis perspectives. Based on the dialog with the most significative texts about the reproduction theories; “The education in the capitalist Latin América”; “The capitalist school in France” and “The reproduction”, we present and problematize three problematic cores: a) The school system as a reflex of the capitalist production relations, b) The classifications and hierarchy over the school system/wage labor dynamic, and c) The ideological problem on the school system/ capitalist work relation.


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How to Cite
Ojeda, P., & Cabaluz, J. (2018). School system/wage labor link approaches. Contributions of reproduction theories to critical pedagogy. Pedagogical Studies, 37(2), 363–377.