Consistency between curricular design and evaluation of expected learning in university subjects tought in the Chilean University

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Ricardo Ayala
Helga Messing
Caroline Labbé
N. Isabel Obando


This study is a quantitative research that assesses the internal consistency of study programs at a private university. Specifically, it examines the assessment of learning and the consistency between planned learning goals and learning outcomes assessment. To this aim, volunteer teachers were considered, who offered their programs to participate in this study. Using Bloom’s taxonomy of cognitive learning levels, we analyzed twelve programs. We found differences between formative intention and design of the assessment forms. We conclude that the dominant practice is focused on learning seen as an instruction. Secondarily, there are some evidences of an emergent practice, in which learning is seen as a construction. On the last pages of this paper there is a proposal of work for teachers.


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How to Cite
Ayala, R., Messing, H., Labbé, C., & Obando, N. I. (2018). Consistency between curricular design and evaluation of expected learning in university subjects tought in the Chilean University. Pedagogical Studies, 36(1), 53–67.
Author Biographies

Ricardo Ayala, Universidad San Sebastián, Chile.

Académico de la Escuela de Enfermería. Universidad San Sebastián, Chile. Magister (c) en Educación, mención Políticas y Gestión Educativas.

Helga Messing, Universidad San Sebastián, Chile.

Académica de la Escuela de Enfermería. Universidad San Sebastián, Chile. 

Caroline Labbé, Universidad San Sebastián, Chile.

Docente de la Escuela de Enfermería. Universidad San Sebastián, Chile. Maestranda en Educación y Formación Universitaria.

N. Isabel Obando, Universidad San Sebastián, Chile.

Docente de la Escuela de Enfermería. Universidad San Sebastián, Chile. Maestranda en Educación y Formación Universitaria.