Prelinguistic interaction: first coordinations of consensus actions

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Nolfa Ibáñez Salgado


This paper is part of a research project about the natural history of the emerging language in early childhood, in two different cultures: middle class of Santiago and mapuche rural culture in the south of Chile, based on Humberto Maturana's theory of language. It provides a general overview of the research, includes some results of a comparative study of Humberto Maturana's theory of language with basic ideas of current tendencies in psycholinguistics, sociolinguistics and psychology, and relates some interpretations of the first coordinations of consensual actions or doings which we have observed in the pre-linguistic interaction in the child of the study group. Our goal is to contribute toward the enlargement of our perspective and understanding of diversity in education.

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How to Cite
Ibáñez Salgado, N. (2018). Prelinguistic interaction: first coordinations of consensus actions. Pedagogical Studies, (30), 61–74.