Family and early childhood: A literature review. 1994-2005

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Jakeline Duarte
Leidy Patricia Zapata
Rubiela Rentería


This documental research was based on the texts produced from eleven programs and one research oriented to children in which the family was liked. The results showed that the family linkage within the programs intended for to the early childhood has been gradual. There is acknowledgment that new family typologies have emerged. Single mothers and female heads of the household are the most common typologies in the program; as a consequence there is a need to include them in the promotion actions for the children’s development. In relation to research, it was found very little theoretical production, what allow to infer that the relationship early childhood-family has not been a topic of interest for government and private parties.


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How to Cite
Duarte, J., Zapata, L. P., & Rentería, R. (2018). Family and early childhood: A literature review. 1994-2005. Pedagogical Studies, 36(1), 107–116.
Author Biography

Jakeline Duarte, Universidad de Antioquia.

Docente. Licenciatura en Pedagogía Infantil: Facultad de Educación. Universidad de Antioquia.