A Case Study about the Internal Coherence of the Programs of Subject Matters of six Majors that promote Competencies at the Universidad Austral de Chile

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Myriam Márquez Manzano
Jacqueline Sandoval Machuca
María Cristina Torres Andrade
Sergio Pavié Coronado


The results of the first stage of the research DID S-2007-07 conducted at the UACh are discussed. An inquiry was made about the degree of internal coherence of programs of subject matters of six accredited majors. Internal coherence is the logical coordination between the objectives or competencies to be achieved, the methodologies used for their development and the assessment system to certify the attainment. The Internal Coherence Ratio showed that only 20% of the 359 programs of subject matters revised ranked as coherent with the curricular model oriented towards the achievement of competencies. Explicit competencies fostered were the ability to apply theoretical knowledge in praxis (46%); the knowledge about the field of study and the profession (44%), and the capacity of abstraction, analysis and synthesis (43%).


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How to Cite
Márquez Manzano, M., Sandoval Machuca, J., Torres Andrade, M. C., & Pavié Coronado, S. (2018). A Case Study about the Internal Coherence of the Programs of Subject Matters of six Majors that promote Competencies at the Universidad Austral de Chile. Pedagogical Studies, 36(2), 117–133. https://doi.org/10.4067/S0718-07052010000200007