The School as Space of Citizenship

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Silvia Redon Pantoja


His research presented, realizes the results obtained with regard to the representations of citizenship built children aged 4 to 10 speeches and actions in the school space. This instrumental and multiple case which allowed us to go into depth in the social life of school space, through speeches, comments and documents in each study cases studies design was used: eight schools of various administrations and rural and urban locations. Records of observation, interviews and analysis of documents, allowed us to lift categories in three large arrays: the otherness, the meaning of the ordinary, and finally, identity as axis set to others, and which in turn is determined by them. Usually occurs as a weakened category, both from the experience and significance of students as well as teachers. Two match in his speeches to represent society from the commercial instrumental transaction in which they act as voters citizens of goods. In short, notes a social deficit to configure the meaning of the “ordinary”, in the male/female, determined by pop-up experience context, social origin, age, and by the weak mediation by teachers.


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How to Cite
Redon Pantoja, S. (2018). The School as Space of Citizenship. Pedagogical Studies, 36(2), 233–259.