The teaching-learning processes in the university classroom: A glance from the beliefs of academics from social work and journalism

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María Inés Solar R.
Claudio Díaz L.


The present article aims at presenting the first results of the government-funded project 1060622 FONDECYT "El sistema de creencias y prácticas pedagógicas del docente universitario y su implicancia en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje". This project aims at unravelling the beliefs of academics who did not receive any pedagogical preparation during their undergraduate training. This article presents the results from a semi-structured interview applied to 10 academics from the areas of Social Work and Journalism of a Chilean university in the city of Concepción. The results have been displayed in eight categories referred to by the didactic variables involved in the teaching-learning process. The preliminary conclusions seem to indicate that college professors, in spite of not having pedagogical preparation, possess beliefs that would match with their teaching practices and would lead to quality learning, at least at a discourse level.


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How to Cite
Solar R., M. I., & Díaz L., C. (2018). The teaching-learning processes in the university classroom: A glance from the beliefs of academics from social work and journalism. Pedagogical Studies, 35(1), 181–197.