Complying memorizers or Reflexive Thinkers: tensions between identitary and cognitive objectives in the teaching of recent Chilean history in 6th year of primary schooling education

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María Isabel Toledo Jofré
Renato Gazmuri Stein


The article deals with an analysis of the Chilean's Ministry of Education proposal for teaching history in sixth year of primary schooling and with the objectives that are to be accomplished in relation to teaching national and recent history. 
The value-identity and cognitive-illustrative objectives present in the teaching of history are mentioned as well as the presence of both in Traditional History Education and in Contemporary Proposals on History Didactics. The ministry's proposal is then analyzed in light of the politics and norms of the Curricular Framework and its elaboration, all of which present in the Curriculum and education programs for said year. This is done in relation as to how these two currents define their value-identity and cognitive-illustrative objectives.

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How to Cite
Toledo Jofré, M. I., & Gazmuri Stein, R. (2018). Complying memorizers or Reflexive Thinkers: tensions between identitary and cognitive objectives in the teaching of recent Chilean history in 6th year of primary schooling education. Pedagogical Studies, 35(2), 155–172.