The democratisation of the school environmment: a construction in and for the diversity

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Tatiana Díaz Arce
Sofía Druker


The objetive of this papaer is contribute to the democratisation of the school through the enlargement of the concept of diversity and its possibilities of application in the pedagogical relation. It presents a general overview of the historical chilean model of the school in order to examine its implications in concepts like diversity and identity that acting as determinant factors of the educational experience. This work includes reviews of previous experiencies of investigation and tehories of authors like P. Bourdieu and H. Maturana about different and legitamate, contstructions of the world and the way that they are integrated in the society and in the schcool. Finaly proposes an approach of the educational problem through the acceptation of the diversity as basis of the pedagogical relation and of the different learning situations.


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How to Cite
Díaz Arce, T., & Druker, S. (2018). The democratisation of the school environmment: a construction in and for the diversity. Pedagogical Studies, 33(1), 63–77.