Classroom teaching practices as a starting point for the teaching-learning processes analysis: a case study in chemistry

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Diana Pasmanik V.
Raúl Cerón F.


A case study research was carried out following a sociocultural approach. The aim was to analyze an aducational experience in Chemistry in order to generate a set of criteria the teaching learning process. The choice of a specific subject matter was based on the intention to integrate instructional contents in the analysis, which is seldom considered in sociocultural research. Results show a an "X-ray" of the observed teaching learning experience and provide criteria for observation, analysis and reflection about teaching practices.

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How to Cite
Pasmanik V., D., & Cerón F., R. (2018). Classroom teaching practices as a starting point for the teaching-learning processes analysis: a case study in chemistry. Pedagogical Studies, 31(2), 71–87.