The cultural-historical psychology in the teacher's formation professional

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Andrea Maturano Longarezi
Elaine Sampaio Araújo
Sueli Ferreira


This paper aims at discussing the theoretical-methodological fundaments of the historic-cultural psychology and its contributions to the development of the professional of education. The starting point is a research project carried out at a Municipal Centre for Chile Education in the town of Uberaba -MG. In the same way as we understand it and put in into practice, teacher training is a process which happens in the unity which is constituted by theory and practice, from which some conjectures occur. 1) direct teacher participation in his/her development process; 2) research approach wich puts the teacher as a collaborator; 3) the school as a locus of the teacher development an 4) collective activities as mediators of development. We highlight also that man's transformations in the school environment represent reorganization of the teaching system and of the discursive practices associated to him.


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How to Cite
Maturano Longarezi, A., Sampaio Araújo, E., & Ferreira, S. (2018). The cultural-historical psychology in the teacher’s formation professional. Pedagogical Studies, 33(2), 199–211.