Leadership in teachers beneficiary of postgraduate degrees in mathematics: an evaluation study of teacher training

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Christian Miranda J
José Manuel Medina A
Luis Eduardo Alvarado Prada
Jacqueline Gysling C
Pablo Rivera R
Pablo López A


This research aims to analyse the concept of teacher leadership in the educational context according to its importance and relationship to the professional development of teachers, evidenced from the international context, which justifies enhancing the profile of a leader in teachers from a postgraduate program in mathematics located in the south. The research is a mixed type of case studies. It is possible to evidence a predominant presence of transformational leadership on teachers tuned with teachers (our study subjects) ongoing training.

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How to Cite
Miranda J, C., Medina A, J. M., Alvarado Prada, L. E., Gysling C, J., Rivera R, P., & López A, P. (2018). Leadership in teachers beneficiary of postgraduate degrees in mathematics: an evaluation study of teacher training. Pedagogical Studies, 42(4), 107–126. https://doi.org/10.4067/S0718-07052016000500007