‘I am learning with the children how is the system again’ Other modes of the schooling experience of mothers and fathers in Chilean schools in the context of migration

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Sara Joiko


Given the current socially complex and educationally changing scenario of the Chilean educational field and the lack of studies that have made the experience of migrant mothers and fathers vis-à-vis the education of their children visible; this article is based on a qualitative study interview with parents from six Latin American countries. Moreover, the article focuses on the discussion of the strategies -from a Bourdieusian perspective- carried out by migrants parents in facing the process of ex/inclusion of their educational experiences in a context characterised by a field of power framed neoliberal and monocultural. The article concludes that the strategies used by parents allow understanding other modes of the family and school relationship that have been invisible until now.

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How to Cite
Joiko, S. (2019). ‘I am learning with the children how is the system again’ Other modes of the schooling experience of mothers and fathers in Chilean schools in the context of migration. Pedagogical Studies, 45(3), 93–113. https://doi.org/10.4067/S0718-07052019000300093