Re-production of borders in the schools space. Discourses and practices of national(ist) distinction in schools with migrant students in the Metropolitan Region of Chile

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María Fernanda Stang Alva
Pablo Ignacio Roessler Vergara
Andrea Riedemann Fuentes


This article intends to reflect, based on the results of two studies carried out in schools with migrant students in communes of the Metropolitan Region of Chile, the way in which discourses and practices built around the nation and national issues produce and re-produce boundaries within the school space, even though they intend to address some of the effects of the classifications and hierarchies that these borders establish. The text seeks to show concrete mechanisms of these bordering processes, built from the ways in which the nation is said and acted.

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How to Cite
Stang Alva, M. F., Roessler Vergara, P. I., & Riedemann Fuentes, A. (2019). Re-production of borders in the schools space. Discourses and practices of national(ist) distinction in schools with migrant students in the Metropolitan Region of Chile. Pedagogical Studies, 45(3), 313–331.