Pedagogical standards and their integration in the formative projects of teaching programs

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Alejandro Verdugo Peñaloza
José Tejada Fernández
Antoni Navío Gámez


Chile declared their standards on graduation for pedagogical programs in 2011. However, there is a lack of information of its integration in the formative processes. Based on this context, it is conducted a study on the opinion about the standards on graduation and their integration into the training plan standards, according to program managers, trainers of teachers and penultimate year students from the teaching program of Playa Ancha University, 2017. The methodology consists of case studies using an explorative descriptive research. A questionnaire was applied to a sample of more than 60% of the population. The results highlight that principal and teachers’ opinion match and are more favorable than students’ in terms of knowledge, utility, attitude and intention of integrating standards. We conclude that we are at an early stage in the curricular integration of standards, while having favorable projections for the future.

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How to Cite
Verdugo Peñaloza, A., Tejada Fernández, J., & Navío Gámez, A. (2021). Pedagogical standards and their integration in the formative projects of teaching programs. Pedagogical Studies, 47(1), 133–155.