Family and intercultural education in Mapuche context: toward an educative articulation in decolonial perspective
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The manuscript seeks to problematize the implementation of intercultural education in Chile, and its functionalist character as a basis for the construction of a decolonial project of intercultural education in the Mapuche context. Through a literary review, the Mapuche family education, school education, the discontinuities established between them and how the functionalist nature of intercultural education led to the continuity of the colonial project and the monoculturalism of the State in Mapuche areas are analyzed. Given this situation, the need to move forward in the construction of a decolonial intercultural education project, that fosters the articulation between family and school education, is proposed. Finally, it is argued that said decolonial project is feasible by assuming an epistemological pluralism that supports a new way of understanding education in an indigenous context, that favours the full socio-educational development of people and abandons their assimilationist work.