Women Artists in Teacher Training. An Intersectional Study at the University of Valencia

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Ricard Huerta
Amparo Alonso Sanz


Teaching studies are feminized and with great diversity from an intersectional perspective. The arts can offer opportunities to achieve a more just and equal society. Through a mixed methodology, the aim is to know the attitude and prejudices of future teachers about feminism and the pedagogical possibilities of art made by women, to identify if it is necessary to introduce gender issues during their initial training and how to do it. The results show that the students consider themselves mostly feminists, but in which prejudices towards works of art persist based on the sex of the artists. The mistrust shown in their abilities to introduce female references in teaching leads us to propose training activities to alleviate these problems.

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How to Cite
Huerta, R., & Alonso Sanz, A. (2022). Women Artists in Teacher Training. An Intersectional Study at the University of Valencia. Pedagogical Studies, 48(1), 149–169. https://doi.org/10.4067/S0718-07052022000100149