Teaching practices of reading development in the disciplines of primary teachers: How are their discursive interactions?

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María Constanza Errázuriz Cruz
Omar Davison
Andrea Cocio
Liliana Fuentes


The pedagogical practices of reading development in Chile have been predominantly reproductive and dominated by teacher discourse. That is why the aim of the present study has been to analyze the types of interactions of the teaching practices of reading development of teachers of different disciplines of public schools in the Region of La Araucanía. The design was a descriptive and qualitative case study and the participants were 11 teachers from 7 public schools, whose classes (3 for each) were observed, videotaped and analyzed in terms of their types of interaction cycles and episodes: symmetrical or IRE (Inquiry-Response-Evaluation) and its kinds of questions. The results show that there was a predominance of IRE cycles, but there were also two teachers who consistently applied symmetric patterns. Therefore, there is progress towards a greater concern for the motivation and opinions of the students.

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How to Cite
Errázuriz Cruz, M. C., Davison, O., Cocio, A., & Fuentes, L. (2022). Teaching practices of reading development in the disciplines of primary teachers: How are their discursive interactions?. Pedagogical Studies, 48(1), 191–211. https://doi.org/10.4067/S0718-07052022000100191