Representations of teachers on the inclusion in the regular classroom of students with intellectual disabilities

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Sandra Patricia Pallares Padilla
Ernesto Martín Padilla


This research sought to evidence the social representations that regular classroom teachers have about inclusive education with students with mild and borderline intellectual disabilities (DIL). This research was developed in a district school in the city of Bogotá, Colombia. 40 teachers participated. The approach was interpretive, with a method of qualitative type; from the research exercise, three categories were developed: social Representations of the DIL, social representations of the Inclusive education and the teaching role in the inclusive education. It was evident that at the level of social representations, there is greater acceptance of the premises and ideals of inclusive education. However, there is a contrast between everyday educational practices, and such representations in regular classroom work with this population group; it is perceived that students with DIL demand continuous and special attention. However, teachers are mostly willing to receive training to assume inclusive education in the regular classroom.

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How to Cite
Pallares Padilla, S. P., & Martín Padilla, E. (2022). Representations of teachers on the inclusion in the regular classroom of students with intellectual disabilities. Pedagogical Studies, 48(1), 291–307.