The pedagogical relationship: body, speech and otherness

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Rodrigo Moreno Aponte
Eduardo Salvador Vila Merino


This essay argues the possibility of linking pedagogical activity with the way students understand the experience of the body in school. Then, the hermeneutic situation highlights the language and the Student's acceptance when the experience of recognition is shown. First, the perception that one has of the other's body is presented, then, the word act is shown in this phenomenon and, finally, the relationship of otherness that underlies the understanding between the two parts is reached. Here the ideas of the philosophers Merleau-Ponty, Gadamer and Lévinas are exhibited in a central way, in order to establish bonds between one and the other in the school, an ethical, compassionate situation is revealed as a result. Consequently, a proposal emerges as the synthesis of body-word- otherness relationship, it is essential in the experience of recognition in a school which nature is open to dialogue.

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How to Cite
Moreno Aponte, R., & Vila Merino, E. S. (2022). The pedagogical relationship: body, speech and otherness. Pedagogical Studies, 48(1), 401–417.