Possibilities and controversies of the App in the communication and guidance of secondary education

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María-Carmen Ricoy
Isabel Martínez-Carrera
Sara Martínez-Carrera
Alexandre Alonso-Carnicero


Apps have acquired a great prominence and educational institutions cannot ignore it. At the same time, touch screens, such as smartphones and tablets, are increasingly present in the family, social, scholar and work environment. Therefore, the main objective of this study is to discover the benefits and controversies presented by the Apps to facilitate communication and educational guidance among secondary school students. This research is framed within the qualitative methodology, and it is tackled from an e-tnographic and narrative approach, in which have participated through discussion forums: teachers, students and families. As results and conclusions, we must highlight the possibilities of the Apps, in order to develop organizational issues, establish communication between teachers and family (for the call and registration of meetings or communication about the academic performance), as well as for the search and deposit of contents. The main problems are related to technical aspects.

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How to Cite
Ricoy, M.-C., Martínez-Carrera, I., Martínez-Carrera, S., & Alonso-Carnicero, A. (2022). Possibilities and controversies of the App in the communication and guidance of secondary education. Pedagogical Studies, 48(2), 213–235. https://doi.org/10.4067/S0718-07052022000200213