Families perceptions about the use and integration of Tablets in schools: The case of Spain

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Fermín Torrano
Juan Luis Fuentes
Jesús E. Albertos


The growing integration of Tablets in schools demands an evaluation that includes families, who are critical agents in technological transformation processes. This article analyses perceptions of Spanish Primary and Secondary student families, on the use of Tablets in schools. The study counts with a sample of 396 parents from 31 schools, 6 autonomous communities and 13 provinces. Results show that the schools have developed formative actions aimed to families related with the use of Tablets, but they have been brief and have not reduced reluctances in the use of such technology. Moreover, perception about changes produced in teaching methodologies, evaluation or academic achievement present great dispersion, so we cannot affirm that the introduction of this technology has implied a fundamental change in schools, according to the families’ valuations.

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How to Cite
Torrano, F., Fuentes, J. L., & Albertos, J. E. (2022). Families perceptions about the use and integration of Tablets in schools: The case of Spain. Pedagogical Studies, 48(3), 25–40. https://doi.org/10.4067/S0718-07052022000300025