Rubric to evaluate a curriculum design under the socioformative approach
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The socioformative approach considers the training of the actors of the educational process, subserving the integral formation, collaboratively attending to the context’s problems, with suitability and ethical commitment. The objective of this research was to establish the construct validity and reliability of a rubric to assess the application of the 12 essential axes of the competency curriculum under the socioformative approach, through exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. The instrument was applied to 74 people responsible for managing the curriculum at a bachelor’s level, in universities in Mexico and Latin American countries. The results indicate that the rubric presents unifactorial solution, it explains 63.3% of the variance of the construct. It is concluded that the rubric has construct validity and reliability (α = 0.94), so its application in universities of the country and Latin America is recommended to identify the level of application of the essential axes of the curriculum.