Emotions without Phenomenology? Reflection on literature on teachers’ emotions

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Octavio Poblete-Christie
Rodolfo Bächler Silva


This article critically analyzes the literature on teachers’ emotions to discuss the concept of emotion and examine the disconnection between the research in this field and the progress that has been made on emotions in the broader context of psychological sciences. To achieve this objective the review consisted of two parts: the literature on the teachers’ emotions and the literature on emotions in the broader context of the psychological sciences. Delving into the main elements of the constructed emotion theory; some contributions from the philosophy of mind and humanistic psychotherapy were also examined. Subsequently, both antecedents were compared. As a result, the presence of a “representational bias” in this area is concluded and the relevance of incorporating the properly phenomenological and bodily aspects of the teachers’ emotions into this research work is reflected.

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How to Cite
Poblete-Christie, O., & Bächler Silva, R. (2023). Emotions without Phenomenology? Reflection on literature on teachers’ emotions. Pedagogical Studies, 48(4), 247–264. https://doi.org/10.4067/S0718-07052022000400247