Circles of Pedagogical Reflection for the development of Teaching Digital Competence

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Francisco Recio-Muñoz
Sonia Santoveña-Casal


This article describes a pilot training experience on Teaching Digital Competence through pedagogical reflection circles, providing a space for the analysis and evaluation of the teaching task when integrating digital technologies in the classroom. This pilot experience was carried out with pedagogy students from different Chilean universities in the 2019-2020 academic year. Through a qualitative analysis of the focus group interventions, we were able to inquire about the depth of their speeches and how the development of reflection is denoted. Initially, we could infer that, in light of the results achieved with this learning experience, the strategy of pedagogical reflection circles would be a good model of didactic intervention for the development of teacher reflection around the integration of digital technologies in the classroom.

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How to Cite
Recio-Muñoz, F., & Santoveña-Casal, S. (2023). Circles of Pedagogical Reflection for the development of Teaching Digital Competence. Pedagogical Studies, 48(4), 283–296.