Closeness to pedagogy of the game as critic perspective in and with the individuals

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Viviana Soto Aranda


This article addresses the game as an existential phenomenon, its objective is to reveal its distinctions and contributions for the development of the individual. From a bibliographic review delimited in works by thinkers and referents from various areas of knowledge, the article analyzes the value of the game, its contributions to human development. It is concluded that the game as freedom allows us to discover the meaning of what we are, a fertile ground of significant and historical construction. The game and subject relationship is indissoluble and gives meaning to existence; This presence is transgressive, the game seeks to transform life, being its process and pedagogical construction, a virtuous element. In a pedagogy that thinks and is thought from the subject, the game makes latent the resonances of concrete searches for meaning that give way to the playful subject in announcing the creation, action and argumentation of life; reference for an emancipatory pedagogy.

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How to Cite
Soto Aranda, V. (2023). Closeness to pedagogy of the game as critic perspective in and with the individuals. Pedagogical Studies, 48(4), 435–450.