Inclusion in higher education: A trend analysis from the bibliometric perspective

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Liliana Pedraja-Rejas
Andrés Bernasconi
Emilio Rodríguez-Ponce
Camila Muñoz-Fritis


The aim of this article is to identify trends in scientific production in relation to inclusion in higher education, both worldwide and in Chile. For this, a bibliometric analysis of journal articles indexed to Web of Science (period 2015-2020) was developed. Bibliometrix was used for data analysis. The results show four main research topics, which are, inclusion to higher education of students 1) with special educational needs and disabilities, 2) of racial and ethnic origin, and 3) of low-income. Likewise, 4) the use of technology and online education to advance inclusive educational systems is highlighted. In Chile, the results reflect that the studies are mainly focused on students of low socioeconomic status. We conclude that publications in the field are firmly anchored to the paradigm of integration, versus that of inclusion.

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How to Cite
Pedraja-Rejas, L., Bernasconi, A., Rodríguez-Ponce, E., & Muñoz-Fritis, C. (2023). Inclusion in higher education: A trend analysis from the bibliometric perspective. Pedagogical Studies, 49(2), 109–132.