Conceptual reconstruction of the repetition system in elementary education: A proposal of mediated learning based on Generative Change

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Elizabeth Martínez


This paper proposes to reconceptualize the notion of repetition, as the sole indicator of school performance evaluation, focused on psychometric intelligence measurement and subjective assessment based on this parameter that educators set for fourth grade children. This conceptual reconstruction postulates a complex and dynamic relationship between learning and intelligence, considering capabilities, processes and structures for the enhancement of inter-development evident in student training. The focus of analysis centers on the operational structure of mediated learning as guiding individual development, through new indicators to show the intelligent behavior as an expression of social and cultural experience of the child, to visualize the relationships that emerge between learning and development in the context of generative change.

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How to Cite
Martínez, E. (2018). Conceptual reconstruction of the repetition system in elementary education: A proposal of mediated learning based on Generative Change. Pedagogical Studies, 42(Especial), 11–30.