Construction of Mapuche knowledge and its relation with school knowledge

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Segundo Quintriqueo M.
Héctor Torres C.


The aim of this article is to analyze the construction of Mapuche knowledge and its relationship with the disciplinary knowledge of schools within the intercultural processes of education. The premise is that there are certain logics of thought under the cultural processes of construction and systems of knowledge, both in western and Mapuche contexts. The previous factors are worth considering in the implementation of intercultural education, in the particular contexts of science teaching in schools located in Mapuche communities of the IX region of La Araucania. The results provide a description of this logic of construction of knowledge in both western and Mapuche realities; considering as a building block the speeches of Kimches (wise men) for the teaching-learning contextualization in processes of intercultural education implementation within a Mapuche context.


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How to Cite
Quintriqueo M., S., & Torres C., H. (2018). Construction of Mapuche knowledge and its relation with school knowledge. Pedagogical Studies, 39(1), 199–216.