Learning strategies and self-esteem. Relationship between staying and dropping out secondary school

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Olga María Fernández González
Macarena Martínez-Conde Beluzan
Roberto Melipillán Araneda


This study describes the learning strategies and self-esteem of students from Santo Tomás University, campus Talca starting studies in 2007, and shows the relationship betweeen them and the academic results of these students. In order to recolect data it was used the Learning Strategies Inventory (R. Schmeck, adapted in Chile by Truffello & Pérez 1988) and Coopersmith's Self-esteem Inventory Form A (adapted in Chile by Brinkmann, Segure & Solar 1989). The results shows that students who use complex learning strategies have better academic results than those students who use simple strategies, thus the first group shows higher levels of general self-esteem, academic self-esteem, and familiar self-esteem.


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How to Cite
Fernández González, O. M., Martínez-Conde Beluzan, M., & Melipillán Araneda, R. (2018). Learning strategies and self-esteem. Relationship between staying and dropping out secondary school. Pedagogical Studies, 35(1), 27–45. https://doi.org/10.4067/S0718-07052009000100002