Construction of youth's identity profiles to improve institutional educational projects. A proposal

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Carola Herrera Bravo
Francisco J. Caimanque Aguirre
José Contador Walker


This research is presented as a contribution to the process of reformulation of the Institutional Education Project started in 2009 in Luis Cruz Martinez High School, from Calama city. It contributes by formulating an identity profile of the students, in order to meet the contextual and subjective requirements on school dynamics. The identity profile is created by identifying certain traits and youth characteristics of this particular High School's students, in addition to some of the interest variables in youth issues proposed by the Policy of Coexistence and school inclusion.


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How to Cite
Herrera Bravo, C., Caimanque Aguirre, F. J., & Contador Walker, J. (2018). Construction of youth’s identity profiles to improve institutional educational projects. A proposal. Pedagogical Studies, 38(1), 59–72.