Teacher thinking as pedagogical practice: A study with teachers in primary school regarding the pedagogical use of argumentation in science

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Antonia Larrain
Maribel Calderón
Marisol Gómez
Joaquín Grez
Gabriel Sánchez
Maximiliano Silva
Patricia López
Jorge Pinochet
María José Carreño
Cecilia Ramos
Hugo Tapia
Pablo Castro


This paper reports a study aimed at understanding the way primary science teachers articulate their beliefs and knowledge in a context of pedagogical transformation towards the pedagogical use of argumentation. 10 fourth grade science teachers participated in two interviews, in which pedagogical and disciplinary knowledge, epistemological beliefs and beliefs regarding nature of science, and teaching and learning, were explored. Results showed that teachers articulate knowledge and beliefs in a complex and heterogeneous manner. Moreover, the center of articulation of these beliefs and knowledge is both the avoidance of innovations that are perceived as unnecessary risks, and fear of not being able to respond to students’ thinking. A new notion of pedagogical thinking emerges, where it would be a pedagogical practice consisting in responding to the crossroads of teaching, articulating the diverse and heterogeneous knowledge and beliefs at play

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How to Cite
Larrain, A., Calderón, M., Gómez, M., Grez, J., Sánchez, G., Silva, M., López, P., Pinochet, J., Carreño, M. J., Ramos, C., Tapia, H., & Castro, P. (2022). Teacher thinking as pedagogical practice: A study with teachers in primary school regarding the pedagogical use of argumentation in science. Pedagogical Studies, 48(2), 57–79. https://doi.org/10.4067/S0718-07052022000200057