Restorative pedagogy: a proposal for educational resignification for the reconstruction of the social fabric in Colombia

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Claudia Llinás Torres
David de Jesús Aníbal Guerra


This article is derived from the research of the doctoral thesis called: Restorative pedagogy for the reconstruction of the social fabric in the Colombian post-conflict; which considered the most relevant events of the armed conflict in Colombia as causing the country’s social detriment. For this reason, the affectations generated by state negligence when establishing ineffective guidelines to solve the crisis of violence existing in the country are explained. Furthermore, because in its lack of assertiveness it avoided the participation of the victims and the use of pedagogical tools for restorative purposes around them. In this methodologically oriented qualitative research, using the socio-critical paradigm and the design of participatory action research, the construction of the ontological, epistemological and methodological foundations relevant to the creation of a restorative pedagogy oriented to the recovery of the social fabric in Colombia was achieved.

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How to Cite
Llinás Torres, C., & Aníbal Guerra, D. de J. (2022). Restorative pedagogy: a proposal for educational resignification for the reconstruction of the social fabric in Colombia. Pedagogical Studies, 48(2), 159–178.