Design and implementation of a computarized system for the control and payment of labour in agriculture

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Juan Lerdon F.
Lorena Lantadilla V.
Fredes Salgado S.


Due to agricultural development and modernization, it has become necessary to adopt new methods regarding decision-making policies where an adequate control of the remuneration system is an important issue in the organization of a agrarian enterprise. In this regard, the use of computational technology has become a necessity which facilitates decision-making based on exact and rapidly obtained results. Thus the development of a computarized system for the control and paying of wages in agriculture has become a must. The purpose of this study was to design and implement a system that could store data about the hired hands -including both personal and daily work information- as well to issue, in a simplified and automated manner, pay forms and related reports to help the farmer. The design and implementation of the system was carried out by specialists in programming and payment of wages, as well as farmers who hire many workers and therefore need a more effective control of the process. To create the system we used a methodology that permitted to design the system in a orderly manner as well as facilitated programming. Analysing the system through the administrative functions that compose it helps to make known the deficiencies of other systems of payment that underuse the available information preventing an adequate control by the farmer. As a complement for "the agricultural acconting system", it implies a significant contribution to it since it permits to obtain information which until now was difficult to get due to the many and diverse tasks performed by agricultural workers. Thanks to the information stored by this system, and with a simple process of calculation, these data can be annexed to the previous system.

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How to Cite
Lerdon F., J., Lantadilla V., L., & Salgado S., F. (1997). Design and implementation of a computarized system for the control and payment of labour in agriculture. Agro Sur, 25(1), 94–105.