Decision tree model: A tool for pasture management

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P. G. Flores
I. F. López
P. D. Kemp
J. Dörner
B. Zhang


The pasture is the main productive resource in the south of Chile. The dry matter productivity is related to the environment and efficient resource management. However the interrelationship between the factors involved in pasture productivity is a difficulty due to the large amount of information required to analyze. One way to determine the relationship between pasture productivity and environment is through decision trees models. These models can predict the potential effect of the environment and management applied. The objective of this review is to introduce the use of decision tree model as a tool for pasture management.

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How to Cite
Flores, P. G., López, I. F., Kemp, P. D., Dörner, J., & Zhang, B. (2016). Decision tree model: A tool for pasture management. Agro Sur, 44(2), 3–10.

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