New collaborative learning trends in e-learning. Keys for it effective implementation

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Raidell Avello Martínez
Josep M. Duart


We are at the beginning of a new evolution because of the development of Information Technology and Communication (ICT), and their introduction and intensive use in social dynamics and educational reality. This advance of digital technology has created environments that greatly favor social interaction. In recent years, new trends have emerged in e-learning as mobile learning, the model “Flipped Classroom”, massive open online courses, personal learning environments, game-based learning and learning analytics; in all of them, the collaborative learning is strengthened. In addition, some negative effects that can be caused by indiscriminate and superficial use of collaborative activities were discussed. Finally, main issues were identified to be considered to perform the design of collaborative activities, such as those relating to the formation of groups, selection, clarity, flexibility and significance of the task, and monitoring and control.

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How to Cite
Avello Martínez, R., & Duart, J. M. (2018). New collaborative learning trends in e-learning. Keys for it effective implementation. Pedagogical Studies, 42(1), 271–282.
Author Biography

Josep M. Duart, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC).

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