Representational change in parents: reconstruction of subjective theories of drug prevention in sons and daughters

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David Cuadra Martínez


This paper describes the representational change produced by an educational workshop of subjective theories reconstruction of drug abuse and its prevention in 16 parents of a fishing cove in Región de Atacama, Chile. Three discussion groups were applied, and the data obtained were processed using the technique of content analysis of the grounded theory. The change was observed in the subjective epistemological theories, which deal with knowledge, teaching and learning of prevention, and specific of drug abuse and its prevention; all demonstrated by the development of more complex explanations and an agentivity in preventive parenting. This is facilitated by the successive explanation of subjective theories, reflection, group-work, trusting relationship learner-educator, sense language use and presentation of scientific information on the topic. In discussion, this representational change
and its implication on parental education is analyzed.

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How to Cite
Cuadra Martínez, D. (2018). Representational change in parents: reconstruction of subjective theories of drug prevention in sons and daughters. Pedagogical Studies, 42(1), 283–298.