Difficulties and challenges for a change in the practical formation of future teachers

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Carolina Hirmas Ready


This study addresses the main topics, tensions and oversights from the analysis of research and studies regarding the practical training for teaching careers in Chile. In the theory-practice relationship, an important tension between the behavioral-applicationist and critical-reflective approaches is identified, with predominance of the first curriculum implemented. Under the second approach, expectations, beliefs and prior knowledge of future teachers about teaching and learning should be reflected upon, but apparently it is not recognized as a social subject, historically situated, with habits and implicit frames. Regarding the training triad, epistemological disagreements exist between its members, leading to difficulties in assessment practices, beside other things. The guide teacher plays an indefinite and solitary role within the school. In sum, it prevails a disjointed relationship between teaching careers and practice centers, which preserves the dichotomy between theory and practice.

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How to Cite
Hirmas Ready, C. (2018). Difficulties and challenges for a change in the practical formation of future teachers. Pedagogical Studies, 40(Especial), 127–143. https://doi.org/10.4067/S0718-07052014000200008